

Dalian Ocean University

Office : Room ,No.9 Building,

Dalian Ocean University

Tel : +860411-84762005


Office Opening Hours: 9 am.— 5pm. from Monday to Friday


Economic Law Master and Civil & Commercial Law Doctor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law


Vice president of Law School & Coast Guard School of Dalian Ocean University

Deputy professor of Law School & Coast Guard School of Dalian Ocean University

Postgraduate instructor of Law School & Coast Guard School of Dalian Ocean University



Civil Law and Commercial Law, Economic Law, Maritime Law, Maritime Administrative Law Enforcement and Fishery Law.



Director of Liaoning Maritime Law Institutelawyer of Liaoning MeiLong Law Firm; Legislative consultant of Liaoning Oceanic Administration and Fishery; Law training expert of Dalian Ocean & Fishery Bureau; Researcher of Liaoning Marine Development Law and Policy Research Base; Vice-president of Liaoning Research Council of Security Management Law Science; Director of Liaoning Association of Legal Education; Executive director of Misconduct Prevention and Correction Research Council for Behavior Legal Science; Director of Liaoning Marriage Law Institute; Member of China Law Society;

Academic Awards:

1. Research on the Trans-regional Marine Environment Governance Law won the third prize awarded by China Marine Development Research Center (2014);

2. The Paper Research on the 3+1 Talents Training Mode for Law in accordance with the Oceanic Economy Development won the second prize awarded by Laoning Association of Legal Education.

Major Research Projects:

(One)Representative Works

1. Monograph: New Company Law, Hina Legal Publishing House, 1st Edition of June 2007

2. Monograph: Research on the Legal Regulation of Overseas Listing of Chinese Companies, Social Sciences Academic Press, 1st edition of January 2014

TwoRepresentative Papers

1. Theoretical Basis for Commercial Law of Faith Principle, Heilongjiang Social Sciences, 2005. (CSSCI)

2. Several Theoretical Problems of Establishing Servitude System, Journal of Northeast Normal University, 2002

3. Probing into Cooperate Social Responsibility Theory, Theory Horizon, 2005

4.Reflection and Reconstruction: The Method Choice of Perfecting Legal Supervision of Cross-border Listing, Administrative Law,2011,12.

5.The Discussion of Theoretical Basis and Multiple Sheet on Cross-border Listing Prohibited Transaction,

Jilin Normal University Journal,2012,3.

6.Legal risk analysis of Chinese fishing vessel inspection personnel,Journal Of Fujian Fisheries,2014,6.

7. Thinking about Perfecting the Legal Supervision System in terms of Overseas Listing Involved by Private Power, Heihe Journal, 2011,11.

8. The System Design for Laoning Ocean Development Ecological Protection, Theoretic Observation, 2013,3.

9. Discuss on the Collaborative Cooperation of Cross-Regional Marine Environmental Governance, Economic Research Guide, 2014,3.

10. The Influence of Stock Market Internationalization on Chinese Security Markets, Economic Research Guide, 2013,11.

11. Theoretical Analysis on the Governing Law of Overseas Listing, Theory Research, 2012,11.

12. Legal Risk Analysis of Chinese Vessel Inspection Personnel, The 1st Dalian World Ocean Conference Proceedings,Dalian Maritime University Press, 2012,9.

ThreeRepresentative projects

Host :

1.Research on the Local Legislation of Liaoning Marine Management, Liaoning Social Fund Project (2009)

2.Research on the Legal Construction Countermeasures for Urgent Evenets of Dalian Marine Environment, Dalian Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (2011)

3.Research on the Marine Ranching and Management Law System from the Perspective of Soft Environment Construction, Dalian Academy of Social Science project (2012)

4.Study on the Law of Cross-regional Marine Environmental Governance, the Youth Project of Chinese Ocean Development Center (2012)

5.Research on the Ecological Conservation of China’s Coastal Development, project of Liaoning Social Sciences Association (2013)

6.Research on Blue Group System Improving the Special Development of Law, Project of The Education Department of Liaoning Province

7.Research on the Professional Positioning and Speciality of Blue University Law, project of Dalian Ocean University (2014)

8.Local Legislation Project of Laoning Ocean Fishery, project of Laoning Ocean Fishery (2013)

9.Laoning Fishery Regulation Project, project of Laoning Ocean Fishery (2015)

10.Research on the Capital System of Chinese Companies, Brain Gain Project of Dalian Ocean University (2010)


1. Research on How to Improve and Perfect the Chinese Marine System from the Perspective of Sea Right, China Law Society project (2013)

2. Research on the Mechanism for Ecological Compensation of Laoning Sea Area, Liaoning social science funds project (2013)

3.Research on the Mechanism for Ecological Compensation from the Perspective of Marine Ecological Civilization, project of Liaoning Social Sciences Association (2013)

4.Research on the Legal Countermeasures for Dalian Crew Labor Disputes, project of Liaoning Social Sciences Association (2012)

5.Comparative Study on the Visualization of Chinese and Foreign Legal Information, Liaoning International Education & Science Planning Commission Project (2014)

6.Research on the Double-Qualification Teachers Construction in Regular Institutions, Liaoning Education and Science Programming Project (2009)

7.Research on the 3+1 Talents Training Mode for Law in accordance with the Oceanic Economy Development, project of Dalian Ocean University (2011)

FourParticipate in preparation of normative legal document

1.Liaoning Fishery Regulation

2.Approaches to Implement Fishery Law of Liaoning Province

3.Fishing Harbor Management Regulations of Liaoning Province

4. Administrative Regulations on Ocean Fishery’s Security Management of Laoning Province

5.Fishing Vessel Management of Laoning Province

6.Fishing Vessels Monitoring and Testing Regulations of Laoning Province


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