Liu Zhongmei(刘中梅)


Brief Introduction:

Liu Zhongmei, Female, Associate Professor in Department of Human Resource Management. Graduated from Dalian University of Technology, obtained Ph.D in Management Science and Engineering major, and supervised by Prof. Wang Xukun.

Research Interests

Science and technology policy innovation management, environmental governance, management psychology, etc.

Major social part-time job

China Science and Technology Policy Research Association member; China Environmental Resources Law Society member

Academic awards

1.2013.4 won the first prize of China Higher Education Society 2010-2012 innovation and entrepreneurship education academic achievement results (fourth participant)

2.2010.2 won second prize of 2009 Liaoning Provincial Higher Education Society papers seminar (authored)

Academic Conference

1. 刘中梅.技术风险治理的社会系统中公众对专家信任因素分析[A]. 2012年全国科学学理论与学科建设暨科学技术学两委联合年会论文集, 2012.7.

Liu Zhongmei. Trust factor analysis of public to expert in social system of the technical risk management [A]. Proceeding so the Joint Annual Meeting of the National Committee of Science and Discipline Construction and Science and Technology, 2012.7.

2. 刘中梅,王续琨,侯海燕. 纳米技术评估中公众参与行为意向与风险认知理论基础探析[A]. 中国科学学与科技政策研究会.第九届中国科技政策与管理学术年会论文集, 2013.10.

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun, Hou Haiyan.Study on theoretical principle analysis of behavioral intention and risk cognitive in public participation Nanotechnology assessment [A]. Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Science and Technology Policy and Management in China,2013.10

3. 刘中梅,王续琨,侯海燕.纳米技术认知与公众参与的国际研究现状与解读[A]. 2013年两岸三地科学计量学与信息计量学研讨会, 2013.6.

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun, Hou Haiyan.International Research Status and Interpretation of Nanotechnology Cognition and Public Participation [A]. 2013 Seminar on Scientometrics and Information Metrology in Mainland China,2013.6.

4. Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun. China’s environmental governance and law development review based on co-word analysis[C]. 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering, ICSEEE 2012, 2012.12.29, Guangzhou, China, pp.2172-2176. EI

Major academic achievements

(A) Representative Book Chapters

1.Economic Law, Deputy Director, China Commerce and Trade Press, 2007

2. “The legislative value of environmental law”,Study on the Hot Issues of Environmental Law, China Book Press, 2010.

(B) Representative Journal Papers

1. 刘中梅, 王续琨, 罗晨阳等.公众参与纳米技术风险沟通意向的认知因素实证分析[J].科技进步与对策, 2016, 33(8):22-29.CSSCI

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun, Luo Chenyang, Huang Fu, Hou Haiyan. Influencing factor analysis on behavioral intention of public participation in Nanotechnology risk communication [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2016, 33(8):22-29.CSSCI

2. 刘中梅,王续琨, 张春博等. 海峡两岸转基因技术专利计量及对策分析[J]. 情报杂志,2014, 33(2):53-57. CSSCI

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun, Zhang Chunbo, Hou Haiyan. Analysis of the transgenic technology patentometric and industry development countermeasures across the Taiwan Strait [J]. Journal of Intelligence, 2014, 33(2):53-57. CSSCI

3. 王续琨,刘中梅,侯海燕. 高技术伦理学在中国:现状和发展[J]. 伦理学研究,2014,(2):57-62. CSSCI

Wang Xukun, Liu Zhongmei, Hou Haiyan. High-technology ethics in China: Status and development [J]. Studies in Ethics, 2014,(2):57-62. CSSCI

4. 刘中梅,王续琨,侯海燕,巩丽霞. 邻避理论与公众接受技术风险的因素识别分析——以公众对辽宁沿海经济带化工业的风险感知为例[J]. 改革与战略,2014, 30(1):86-89.(北大核心)

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun, Hou Haiyan, Gong Lixia. On the NIMBY and public acceptance of technic risk factor identification- Taking the public risk awareness of the Chemical industries in Coastal Economic Belt of Liaoning as example [J]. Reformation & Strategy, 2014, 30(1):86-89.

5. 刘中梅,王续琨. 中国环境法学发展与研究热点转移——基于文献计量的国际对比解读[J]. 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2013, 13(2):233-38.CSSCI

Liu Zhongmei, Wang Xukun. Development of China’s environmental law and the hot transfer of research- International comparative analysis based on bibliometric [J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences (Social Sciences Edition), 2013, 13(2):233-38.CSSCI

6. 刘中梅. 环境承载力理论与法律评估制度构建[J]. 环境保护,2008, 392(3B):72-74.CSSCI

Liu Zhongmei. The construction of theory of environmental carrying capacity and legal evaluation system [J]. Environmental Protection, 2008, 392(3B):72-74.CSSCI

7. Liu Zhong-mei, Wang Xu-kun, Luo Chen-yang, et al. Influence factors analysis concept model for the public participation in Nanotechnology risk communication[J]. Journal of Donghua University (English Edition)201633(2):327-331.

8.刘中梅. 物联网时代与个人隐私权的保护[J]. 科技与法律,2011, 92(4):94-96. CSTPCD

Liu Zhong-mei. Internet of things and the protection of personal privacy [J]. Science Technology and Law, 2011, 92(4):94-96. CSTPCD

9.刘中梅, 宗艳霞, 张馨.社会转型背景下环境风险的法律治理机制回应[J]. 辽东学院学报(社会科学版), 2011,11(3):13-15.

Liu Zhong-mei, Zong Yan-xia, Zhang Xin. Response of legal administration mechanism to environmental risks under social transformation [J]. Journal of Eastern Liaoning University (Social Sciences), 2011,11(3):13-15.

10.刘中梅.城乡共建中农民环境权益保护的缺失及对策[J].环境保护与循环经济, 2010, (6):20-22.

Liu Zhong-mei. The Deficiency of Farmers' Environmental Rights Protection in Urban and Rural Areas and the Countermeasures[J]. Environmental Protection and Circular Econogy, 2010, (6):20-22.

11.刘中梅. 高等教育管理中利益相关者参与治理的理念及实现初探[J]. 长春工业大学学报(高教研究版), 2010, 31(1):13-15.

Liu Zhong-mei.On the Concept and Realization of Stakeholders' Participation in Governance in Higher Education Management [J]. Journal of Changchun University of Technology (Higher Education Study Edition), 2010, 31(1):13-15.

12.刘中梅,巩丽霞. 基于知识观变革的发现式教学模式探析[J]. 理论观察,2010, (6):143-144.

Liu Zhong-mei, Gong Li-xia. On the Discovery Teaching Model Based on the Change of Knowledge View [J]. Theoretic Observation, 2010, (6):143-144.

13.刘中梅. 《京都议定书》框架下促进我国企业履行环境责任的思考[J]. 行政与法,2009, (7):121-123.

Liu Zhong-mei.Study on promoting enterprise to undertake environmental responsibility under the Kyoto protocol framework [J]. Administration and Law, 2009, (7):121-123.

14.刘中梅. 生态城市建设中生态承载力保障的法律规制[J]. 辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版),2008, 31(2):37-39.

Liu Zhong-mei.On the legal mechanism of guaranteeing ecological carrying capacity in the Eco-city construction-A case study of Dalian city’s Eco-city construction [J]. Journal of Liaoning Normal University (Social Science Edition), 2008, 31(2):37-39.

15.刘中梅.生态城市建设中生态安全保障的法律机制探析——以大连生态城市建设为例[J].黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报, 2008, (1):97-99.

Liu Zhong-mei. The legal mechanism study on ecology security safeguard for Eco-city construction- A case study from Dalian Eco-city construction [J]. Journal of Heilongjiang Administrative Cadre College of Politics and Law, 2008, (1):97-99.

16.刘中梅, 侯海燕.纳米技术ELSI研究的社会动力分析.纳米技术的安全与伦理问题研究[M]. 北京:科学出版社,2015:224-232.

Liu Zhongmei, Hou Haiyan. “Social Dynamics analysis of Nano-technology ELSI research”, Research on the safety and ethical problems of Nanotechnology, Science Press, 2015:224-232.

(C) Major Research Projects

Presided programs


Research Projects of Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Educationin Liaoning Province: Study on the Environment and Ecology of Liaoning Province from the Perspective of Risk ManagementNo.20100692010.6-2013.11


Dalian Social Science Project: Protection of Farmers' Environmental Rights in the Harmonious Construction of Urban and Rural AreasNo.08DLSK1932008.5-2009.5


Dalian Social Science Project: Study on the Construction of Eco-city in Dalian - Construction of Ecological Security Legal MechanismNo.2006DLSK2572006.4-2007.5

Participation in the programs

1. 国家社科基金重大项目:高科技伦理问题研究(No.12&ZD117),主要承担子课题:高科技伦理问题的善治:理论与战略框架(2013-2016

National Social Science Fund major projects: high-tech ethical issues (No. 12 & ZD117), sub-topics: high-tech ethical issues of good governance: theoretical and strategic framework (2013-2016)

2. 国家社科基金项目:高科技前沿监测中的知识图谱方法与应用研究(No.14BTQ0302014-2017

National Social Science Fund Project: Knowledge Map Method and Application Research in High - tech Frontier MonitoringNo.14BTQ0302014-2017

3. 国家自然基金项目:基于专利计量的共性技术测度体系及其应用研究(No.710730152011.1-2013.12

National Natural Science Fund Project: Generic Technology Measurement System Based on Patent Measurement and Its ApplicationNo.710730152011.1-2013.12

4. 中国高等教育学会课题:创新创业教育与专业教育相结合的操作模式研究——以应用型本科高校为研究对象(No.2010CX1122010.6-2012.10

China Higher Education Institute Project:Research on the Operation Mode of Combining Innovative Entrepreneurship Education and Professional Education - Taking the Undergraduate Colleges of Applied Research as the Research ObjectNo.2010CX1122010.6-2012.10

5. 辽宁省教育科学“十二五”规划课题:完善我省民办高等教育公共政策的研究(JGZXY110152011.6-2013.10

Twelfth Five - Year Planproject of Educational Science in Liaoning Province: Research on Perfecting Public Policy of Private Higher EducationJGZXY110152011.6-2013.10

Contact Information



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