国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)是国际社会于2002年7月1日在荷兰海牙建立的第一个常设性国际刑事司法机关,国际刑事法院模拟法庭竞赛是全球性的模拟法庭竞赛之一,也是国际法领域重要竞赛之一。该赛事是目前参赛队伍最多、传承最久、历史积淀最深、赛事规则最为完善的国际刑事法院竞赛。该竞赛国内选拔赛分为英文赛和中文赛。每年获得国内半决赛前三名的赛队,将得以远赴海牙,在国际刑事法院的法庭中和其他国家高校学子进行最终角逐。
1. This case constitutes several “firsts” for this Court. It is the first case to address the Crime ofAggression under the Kampala Amendments to the Court’s Statute, which entered into force forthose States that have ratified the Amendments on July 17, 2018. It is the first case to address
whether a lawyer can be tried for legal advice that facilitates a crime within the Court’s Statute.And it is one of the first cases to address the admissibility of evidence in ICC proceedings wheresuch was obtained by domestic authorities in an unlawful search.
2. The State of Astipur, the Republic of Bravos, and the Commonwealth of Cilanta are all partiesto the Rome Statute, and each ratified the Kampala Aggression amendments in January 2017.Astipur and Bravos have implemented the Aggression Amendments by enacting domesticlegislation enabling their courts to prosecute the Crime of Aggression committed by theirnationals or in their territory, in addition to the other crimes contained within the Rome Statute.Cilanta’s attempt to enact implementing legislation has stalled in its Parliament and it is not atthis time able to prosecute the Crime of Aggression in its courts.
3. Astipur, Bravos, and Cilanta are separated by the Stormy Sea, with Astipur to the west, Bravosto the east, and Cilanta to the north (see map reproduced at Appendix 1). Astipur is atechnologically advanced country with a sophisticated military and a strong record of human
rights compliance. Bravos is a developing country, which has been the subject of frequenthuman rights complaints over the years, particularly concerning harsh repression of labor strikesin the public sector. Cilanta is the home country of one of the world’s leading researchinstitutions, Queen’s Landing University, and the most-cited living international law scholar inthe world, Dr. Dani Targarian, who is the Defendant in this case. She has been charged withaiding and abetting the Crime of Aggression.
4. Relevant to this case is the mineral cobalt, whose unique properties make it an essentialcomponent for the production of batteries that power electronic vehicles. With the rapid globalexpansion of the electric vehicle market, the demand for cobalt has increased greatly and its price
has risen to $100,000 per Metric Tonne (MT). For three decades, Astipur has been the world’smajor exporter of cobalt, accounting for 60 percent of the world market in 2016, with a totalexport output of 64,000 Metric Tonnes per year from 2010-2016. In 2016, vast cobalt reserveswere discovered in the northern mountains of Bravos. Bravos immediately built upinfrastructure for mining and exporting its cobalt. It pursued a strategy of offering its cobalt forexport at only $50,000 per MT, and quickly gained a large and growing share of the worldmarket. Its low-price exports forced Astipur to compete by significantly reducing the price of itscobalt exports, which caused unemployment to rise in Astipur and tax revenue to plummet.
5. The Bravos cobalt mines are owned by the government of Bravos. In July 2018, cobalt mineworkers in Bravos began to protest for better wages and working conditions. When an armedriot erupted just outside Bravos’ largest cobalt extraction site known as the Dragon mine, on July21, 2018, Bravos deployed dozens of Chlorine Aerial Bombs to quash the rioters. Eight hundredworkers at the mine were killed.
6. Bravos obtained the chlorine from an Astipur-based company called Pentaas Chemicals. Asrequired by Astipur law, Pentaas Chemicals sought and obtained a license from the governmentof Astipur for the export of 10,000 metric tonnes of chlorine to Bravos and to a dozen othercountries around the world for industrial uses in 2017-2018.