【讲座公告】Aldo Chircop 教授“The accommodation of maritime autonomous surface ships in current regulation”讲座通知


应大连海洋大学法学院(海警学院)邀请,加拿大达尔豪斯大学海事法律与政策研究中心主任Aldo Chircop教授拟于20181212日为我校师生开设专题讲座。欢迎参加!





讲座题目:The accommodation of maritime autonomous surface ships in current regulation

Chircop 教授简介

 Originally from Malta, Dr Chircop is a full professor of law at Dalhousie University. His career has included directorships of the Mediterranean Institute (University of Malta) (1988-1990), International Ocean Institute (1988-1991), Marine Affairs Program (Faculty of Science, Dalhousie) (1992-2001) and Marine and Environmental Law Institute (Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie). He was also Canadian Chair in Marine Environment Protection at the International Maritime Organization’s World Maritime University in Sweden (2003-2005) and marine industrial technology officer with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (1991). In 2016 Professor Chircop was appointed Canada Research Chair in Maritime Law and Policy with a seven-year tenure at Dalhousie University. He is also Visiting Professor at the Dalian Maritime University.

Professor Chircop’s research interests are in the fields of Canadian and international maritime law, international law of the sea and polar governance. He is currently working on the regulation of Arctic shipping, greenhouse gas emissions from ships, autonomous shipping, particularly sensitive sea areas, jurisdiction over ships, maritime regulation theory and implementation of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He has been consulted by governments and international organizations in his areas of expertise. Professor Chircop has received several academic and professional awards, including for Maritime Law as a leading legal work presented at a Canadian Bar Association annual meeting (2005). He is co-editor of the Ocean Yearbook since volume 13 (currently at volume 32).


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